Needless to say, worrying about my weight, seems to be neverending thing. Last spring (2007) I lost 40 lbs with my works Biggest Loser contest. I was sooo excited!!! I hadn't lost that much weight ever and to do it in 4 months was HUGE for me!!! I felt sooo good about myself and had soo much confidence!!! I have been able to maintain that weight loss (well maybe just plus a few pounds) but for the most part I have, but I am still not at my goal weight. I would love to be at my goal weight for the wedding, but I don't know if that's possible. Well NO it IS possible, but I've gotta make lots of changes.
My motivating factors are:
* My boudoir picture session I'm having in December, I have to have to have lose weight for these, I don't want to be bulging out places, that's not cute!
* So I'll be able to fit into my dress!!! When I bought my dress it fit perfect, and didn't need any kind of alterations at all, and I don't even need to wear a bra or corset or anythign to hold me in, its just perfect. The only thing is that the material bunchs just a little on the bodice and that bothers me and I want it to be flat.
* For my own confidence and self esteem, and to show my FI that he is marrying a strong, sexy woman!
* I want my FI to be able to carry me across the threshold. I'm a traditional bride for the most part, and this is something that I've been dreaming about since I can remember, and it would just make me the happiest girl in the world if that could happen. (makes me cry just thinking about it)
OK, so with all of that said I think I'm going to also use this blog as a diet log too. My favorite excercise that works the best for me is jogging. I love jogging. I aspire to run a marathon at some point in my life. Back last spring when I was running alot and I had lost my weight, I was running over 5 miles a day (without stopping) I just love it, and it's a great stress reliever for me too!!
So far this week, I ran 2.6 miles on Monday, 2.8 miles today. I'm hoping to run again tomorrow and then maybe Saturday also, we'll see. I'm trying to limit my calorie intake also. I'm drinking a slim-fast in the morning, then a apple for a snack, then for lunch either another Slim Fast or a lean pocket with some baked Cheetos and then either an apple or yogurt for a snack. For supper I usually just eat whatever my mom cooks (which is usually healthy), or whatever FI and I fix for ourselves or what his family has at their house. I am also TRYING to be better if we go out to eat. I try to eat a salad at mexican food restaraunts (thats our FAV food!) and I try limit myself to only 1 margarita, but my weakness is those damn chips and salsa, it's hard for me to say no to that!!! I may eat some, but I try to watch how much I eat.
Needless to say, daily I will be tracking and keeping record of what I eat and excercise that I get!! Hopefully by writing (or in this case typing) everything out, it will help keep me accountable for my actions!! I've already gotten to the point where I feel horrible if I don't go jog in the morning, soo hopefully that will stay with me and I can get my regimen back up and going!! YAY!!
My motivational pic of the day:

This is WWII Air Crew member Harold Stone of the 418 Squadron for Australia and his new wife "looking for a threshold to carry my bride over." I love this picture.
you can do it!!! you just might inspire me too :)
Girl, I'll do my best!!!! We can inspire each other!!! Just send me pics of the vintage girls I want to pose like and that'll work for me!!! hehe =)
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