This past weekend we also went and registered for our stuff!!! We went to Bed, Bath and beyond and had quite an experience. First off the store was SUPPPER crowded, we couldn't even really look at stuff, so we skipped alot and are gonna have to go back. Then our scanner thing had a low battery after we started. So they gave us a new one and we went and registered for the rest of the stuff. When we were done we went to go talk to the girl and she printed out our list and we were looking over it and we were like where is our stuff!! So turns out when they switched our scanners, they put in the wrong registry number and soo all of the stuff we had registered for got put onto another registry!!!! So then we had to go through another couples stuff and pick out all the stuff that we had registered for so the girl could add it back to our registry. Then this past monday, I got to another BBB to look at our china and actually hold it and see what it's like. The guy tells me that the china is discontinued and there is only soo many pieces available!!! I was like OMG!!! ANd the girl had even shown us these from the book, like this was the only pattern we looked at and we loved it from the get go!!! I couldn't believe it. So now we have to go back and pick out new china. Oh well...overall it was a good experience and I still LOVE BBB, and am excited to be using them for this!!
OH!! Here are my hair and makeup inspirations for the wedding:

The house is totally adorable...good luck! And, I love your hair inspiration. :)
Hope you get a house and can stop renting! :) No garage is no big deal, we never had a garage when I was growing up, and everything turned out okay! :)
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