So I just finished my first book in a long time. It was highly recommended by a fellow knottie and Blogger. When she had said what it was about I knew I'd be hooked, and I was. The book is called "Dream When your Feeling Blue" by Elizabeth Berg.
It's about these three sisters, The Heaney sisters and how they dealt with life and times during WWII. It was a wonderful book and I totally recommend it. I get so fascinated and caught up with peoples lives back then. I mean, the best paying jobs were working at the factories, which was hard grueling work, making 60 cents an hour, which apparently was verrry good money for then.

When it talked about the girls going to the USO dances and getting all dressed up, I just could imagine those were sooo much fun!! I would have loved to live back then!!! The lifestyles, the cars, the clothes, the jewelry, the way of life itself, is soo different than today and soo more real. People actually sat down and had family dinners EVERY NIGHT. Communities came together, to do what they could to rally the troops and support them in every way possible. They made victory gardens, donated bumpers from their cars for metal to make anything needed. Groceries were rationed, gas was rationed, everything was pretty much rationed. If you wanted a cake, you sometimes had to wait a week or so, cause eggs and flour just didn't come that easy.
I don't know if our country that we live in today could handle going through what the people of the 1940s went through, or even '30s for that matter. We take too many things for granted in todays society. Life was harder back then, I know thats true, but people learned to cope with it and move on and pull together. I sometimes imagine myself living back then. I know my FI would give anything to have gone and fought in that war. And I'm sure I would be one of the many woman, going to work in, dare I say, "slacks", working at a factory, or volunteerring at the hospital to take care of the wounded or joining the Women's Airforce Service Pilots(a.k.a. WASPs)....that's really what I would've loved to have done.
I would've loved to have flown for the WASPs back then. That would've been soo amazing. There were only a little over a 1,000 women who actually were WASPs and earned there lovely diamond wings. They had the cutest mascot too. Her name was Fifinella or "Fifi" for short. She was a character created by Disney (who in that time created many mascots and what not for the war, they can be seen on all types of patches for the men in the armed services), and she was sooo cute. 

Anyways, I've realized now that I've gotten waaaay off subject. I always do that. Oh well, it's my blog! =)
I hope that I can find more books like this one. I love reading about life back in the 40's, during the war, and just hearing the stories from them, it just amazes me. If anyone knows of anymore, please let me know!! I would truly appreciate it!!!
The book I just started last night is about a jewish-german immigrant girl, who basically is on a quest to find out the truth about her families life before they came to America. I just started it and I haven't gotten very far, but I anticipate it to be wonderful!! =) I'll let ya'll know!!
1 comment:
Loved, loved, loved this book! Found the ending to be a bit odd, but definitely one of the best books I've read in a long time..
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