This past weekend was SUPER busy!!!! My cousin Wendy got married and had a BEAUTIFUL wedding!!! Everything started Thursday night. My Nana came into town and my family (including Fi of course) and my uncle and aunt and two cousins and my Nana went to eat at Pappasitos. It was soooo good!!!! Fi had the juiciest thickest steak smothered in onions and peppers and cheese. It was sooooo darn good!!!
We had a great time getting to visit with everyone before the wedding!! It was great!!! This was also the first I had seen my Nana since July =( She lives 4 hours away, and we don't get to make it up to see her very often. Everytime I get to see her is a real treat!! =)
The next day, my mom, Nana, and me went with my aunt my cousin and her bridesmaids to get a manicure. We had a lot of fun just sitting and talking with one another. My cousin Wendy who got married, just moved out to Vegas back in May. She graduated from A&M with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine....yes she is the prodigal child of the family =) Which is fine, i'm just as happy with my associates degree as I could be!! hehee
Anyways, that afternoon FI and I went to go get him shoes for the wedding and then he went and got a haircut. I had to get ready for the Rehearsal Dinner and get all schnazzied up =) We went to the rehearsal dinner at a local mexican restaraunt and it was sooo good!!! They had fajitas for everyone and they were super yummy!! =) Both sets of parents gave the couple lovely gifts. Her MIL gave them a quilt that she and her quilting friends had made and it was beautiful. They also recieved a crocheted blanket in A&M colors. The bride and groom also gave out presents to everyone. All of the ladies recieved a hanky with the bride and grooms name on it and their wedding date. They were sooo cute!! I'm soo glad that I got one!! =) Her aunt has an embroidery machine and so she is also going to embroidery some for me too!!! Here's a pic of FI and me at the RD!!

That night after the RD, FI went back to his house and I headed to my house to get to working on my cousins programs for the wedding and also the favors. With the help of a few bridesmaids and the dads and my nana, we finished assembling all 120 programs around 12:30!!! NOT GOING TO BE DOING THAT FOR OUR WEDDING!!!!! NO WAY!!! After that, I was wide awake, so I went to FI's played some Madden 09 with him and then went home and went to bed.
Saturday was wedding day. My mom and I both had hair appointments that morning. Her's at 10:30 and mine at 11. My mom hated how her hair turned, but I absolutely loved mine. I showed her a picture of Katherine Heigl from 27 dresses and she did exactly that!! i was sooo excited with how it turned out!!! And of course, I didn't take any 360 degree pics of it, oh well. It looked good.

After I got my hair did, I had to go run a few errands, then I went home to get ready. I had to be up at the church at 3. My job for the ceremony was to light the candles that were in the windows and to pass out programs and to meet and greet people. I also got to check out the beautiful flowers arrangements at the altar. The flowers in them were just stunning!!! THey were soo huge and deep in color. Here's a far away view of them:

The picture is crappy and I apologize for that. The flowers were 3 different types of rose. The big deep red ones had been grown to where it looked like the petals were folded back and they were HUGE!!! THe florist had also put some hydrangea in there, and I was extactic to see the colors of the hydrange, light blues with purple on the ends of the petals!!! SOo beautiful!!! I just adore flowers and seeing them like this just amazed me.
Well the wedding went off without a hitch. I cried, FI made notes about what he liked and didn't like, and FI and my brother wore almost the exact same thing. The photographers called them the DOuble mint twins, it was the joke of the evening =)
Here's some pics of me and FI and my fam from the evening:
I know you can't see them well, but I'm wearing the cutest red satin shoes ever!!! I got them at Target, and they even have a little bow on top by the peep toe!!!
I decided to kinda keep my theme (just for myself) kinda 40s. They hair was pretty much from that time, and so I wore the pearls and of course the red lipstick which also helped with my shoes, since my
red purse situation did not work out so well for me =(
(I bought a purse on ebay, thinking it was red, it ended up being burgandy)
After the ceremony was over, of course we all took family photos with the photogs, who were hilarious. I wish we could've had them for my wedding, but they were waaaaay over our budget. After the photos FI and I took the flowers from the ceremony out to the reception. One bad thing about having a reception thats far away from the ceremony, it just takes a long time, and when we got out there, alot of the guests had already arrived and we were carrying in the flowers (they probably didnt care, but oh well, it just kinda bothered me, I would've rather the flowers had been there already before the guest arrived, but it happens alot i'm sure and I know it will happen at mine! )
Anyways, the reception was decorated beautifully. All the tables either had a hight floral centerpiece or alot of candles on a mirror. THe lighting was low, and it made it very romantic. My cousin and her husband had choreographed a song, i'm not sure what kind of dance it was, something slow, a waltz kinda like, but not a waltz, it was very pretty and I of course cried!!!
The dinner was absolutely DELISH!!! THey had garden salad, glazed carrots, green beans that had been cooked with bacon(they were soooooooo good) and then smoked chicken with bacon wrapped around it and stuffed with broccoli cheese rice casserole. OMG it was soooo GOOD!!!!
Here's a few pics from the reception:
Me and my DADDY!!!! I heart him!!! He's my friggin hero!!! =)
This is me and my cousin Cathy. She is Wendys sister and she was also maid of honor too.
Me and the FI. I had just dragged him out to dance (he's not a big dancer, hehe)

Me and my Mommy and my sweet sweet Nana!!!(go ahead and say, "you look like your mom!", hehe)

This is my favorite one of us that night
Well after the reception and we blew bubbles at the newly weds (which the FI has now decided he likes), we helped pick up stuff that needed to be taken to my aunt and uncles house. We also got all of the centerpieces (floral) and the head table flowers (which were the altar decorations at the ceremony) and loaded them up in the car, my aunt wanted to take them back to the church in the morning so that they could be used. We got to keep one of the centerpieces and it was just georgous, heres some pics: 

Sunday was a big day for the FI and I. It was the annual Wings Over Houston Airshow!!! This is like the biggest thing that happens once a year that FI looks forward to everyyear. He's soo cute too, he's like a little kid at the candy store. It was a perfect day too for the airshow. The sky was blue, not a cloud in the sky, and the temp was around 70, just perfect!!!
We got to see all the old warbirds that we just absolutley LOVE!!! They did their heritage flights and we even got to see FI's fav warbird, the P-38 Lightning named "Glacier Girl" fly. I've never seen a P-38 fly and it was absolutley AMAZING!!!! It's a twin tail, two engine plane and it sooo bad ass!!!! I was in awe as I watched it do it's thing in the sky. I LOVED IT!!!
The main act for the day was teh Thunderbirds. They were awesome!!! I was soo jealous that the lead solo pilot was a girl. I want to fly a plane soo bad!!! And seeing that a woman could fly like taht just encouraged me even more!!! Hopefully, before we have kids, FI and I can get our pilots license!!! All in all the day was PERFECT!!!! I will never ever forget it!!

Don't laugh at my visor, hehe The sun was in my eyes Channel 2 was giving them out free =)
All in all, the weekend was the best I had had in a long time but I was glad when the weekend was over. I've been exhausted all week trying to recooperate from it!!
1 comment: all the pics! Thanks for sharing. You and your FI are SO cute :)
I still can't get over the program thing...that will NOT be my wedding either!
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