I'm back. I've been neglecting you like the plague but seriously this time I'm back. Life has been good. We just celebrated our 2 month wedding anniversary (with mexican food and margaritas no less) and things are great!!
Quiky updates:
Brandon is still in the process of getting hired on with Harris County Sheriff's Department. He passed his polygraph back on April 1, and today the detective is coming to do a house inspection. I'm assuming to make sure we have no bodies or drugs lying around :) He was supposed to come yesterday but the weather in Houston has been crappy and he wasn't able to make it out.
I restarted working for Macy's again. I however am working in the Estee Lauder counter and it's soooo much fun!! I mean make-up is every girl's dream right? So I get to play with it every night I work!! I really love it, even more so than my real job?? I would love to be able to move up in the world of Lauder and be a big wig!! THat would be SUHWEET!!! I'll be posting on here some of my fav makeup that we have as I try them out!! Here's the first to meet the blog. It's our new Double Wear Creme eyeshadow. This stuff I swear sticks to your lids for 15+ hours. I put it on one night, fell asleep with it on and it looked like I had just put it on. This stuff is awesome!! It comes in a variety of colors, and did I mention the shimmer factor?? It has TONS!! I love my eyeshadows that shimmer, and this has it full force!! Best to use a concealer brush to apply it and blend with your finger. I'm not used to creme shadows so this takes a little getting used to but it's an amazing find!! 

Other happenings in our lives.....nothing too much. Just trying to settle in and get this married life down pat! hehe I mean that in the best way possible, I SWEAR!! I'm just having a hard time figuring and sorting out coming home and cooking supper, doing laundry cleaning up. Things like that. Hubs helps out which is good, but I really want to cook for him. I just have to get my routine down and now going back to Macy's puts a damper on that, but we'll figure it out. We are the best team and work great together.
Both of my Sister in laws are having babies within a month of each other!! I'll be having 2 littles nieces a month apart!! I cannot wait!!! THis should cure whatever ounce of baby fever I have in me for sure!!! :) We had Brandon's sisters' baby shower this past Sunday and it was a success!! I made my infamous spinach dip and everyone loved it!! She got alot of adorable baby clothes and the hostesses made a big basket of neccesities for her as well as $300 to put towards a crib.
I know one thing. I am in dire need of a vacay. I just want to get out this town for a while and see some new scenery!! My wish may come true if all goes well with Macys and I can get off the last weekend of May. Brandon has a friend that lives in Point Pleasant, WV and we may be road tripping it up there. I have off from my real job, just have to get off from Macys. Apparently getting a weekend off from there is a big deal, but we'll see how it will work.
I'm really also wanting us to go to Europe. I know not anytime soon would be doable but maybe for our 1 year anniversary?? We are just dying to go to Germany and Czech Republic. I want to take train rides back and forth and get to see the beautiful landscapes and mountains and scenery. Hopefully we can work something out and save up our money and go. I was pricing tickets just for the fun of it and it may not be too too bad. We'll just have to see.
Other than that, nothing too too exciting. Being married is great and we love every second of it. It seems like we have been married for forever but then we still find it funny to call each other husband and wife sometimes, in a good way, I didn't mean that bad at all!! I just feel soo lucky to be married to my best friend and I get to spend every day with him. I am truly blessed to have him!! 

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