Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Sooo I'm just feeling kind of blah right now and for the stupidest pettiest reasons. For one, FI is working a shutdown starting Friday, and he will also be working nights, which means that our schedules will pretty much be opposite. I don't know why this is freaking me out soo much, well not freaking but more like OMG i'm gonna miss him soo much. We've been together for nearly a year and 3 months, and have never spent a day apart. I know that's probably ridiculous to most, but that's just us. But thank god this shutdown is only 9 silly days long. I can cope with it, but I don't have to Like it. He will be making .50 cents more an hour though!! Anyways, I should be thankful for it being only 9 days instead of like several months, you know?

Sometimes in life we get so discouraged by things, that it's hard for us to look at the bright side. Like I mean atleast I'll still get to see him even though it won't be for as long as we are used to and atleast we live close to each other that we are able to see each other everyday. I know what it's like to not get to do that, and from going from that to this, I would never go back. I used to be in several long distance relationships, one lived in chicago, one lived in georgia, and the other only lived a little over an hour away but still. Sooo from going from that to this, is just like WOOHOO!! AMAZING!! Anyways, I think I lost my point, shit. Oh well. I guess basically what I was trying to say was that even though I'm not looking forward to him going on this shutdown, atleast it's not forever and only a few days, and I need to focus on that and be thankful for that instead of the negative. Right? Right!!

Ok, my cousin Eric is currently in the hospital with a gallstone that is between his gallbladder and liver. He hasn't eaten since last thursday, he cannot hold anythign down and is the color yellow. They at first thought he had hepatitis, but then discovered the stone. They are today taking the stone out. Then I think Friday taking his gallbladder out. Thanks to my wonderful friend DrRenea on the knot, she stated they are probably doing it this because with the stone it has probably caused inflammation and they do not want to remove a inflamed gallbladder, so that is why they have to wait. ALthough the docs told my mom its because it's Palestine texas and that's how they do things.

Well my cousin's family is also moving into their new house this weekend and they have to be out of their rent house by this weekend too because there are going to be new tenants moving in on monday. Soo with my cousin on the surgery table, and my mom up there trying to help out, I felt compelled to go. No no now at first I was like do i go, do I not go. i consulted my girls on my board and they said no and then I was talking to my dad and he was like well no is askign you too, but they could use the help and i'll pay for your gas and you can take the truck, sooo UGGGHh ok, I'm going. I also asked Fi about it and he said that well this is probably the best time to go since I'll be working crazy hours anyways and they probably could use you up there. I had soo many things I want to do this weekend too. uggghhh oh well, I'm trying not to be a martyr but I think I am, boooo to that!

Well anyways, thats my bitchin session for now, tune in next time!! Hoepfully it wont' be bitchy!!! =)

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

Well...I guess helping to move your cousin's family actually ends up being a good distraction for you? You are being very swet and generous in helping (I HATE moving). Hopefully, it will be a good group and you'll have fun moments in there. I just hope to hear that your cousin is okay after all of this.